We hope that visitors to our church will not be spectators for long. We strive to provide a source of personal encouragement, help, healing, and purpose for everyone who worships with us. You’ll find several options that we hope will minister to you—spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually:
• Sunday school (for all ages) is a place to learn, discuss the Bible, get to know each other better, and discover ways to apply Christian values to everyday life.
• Several Bible study groups meet regularly (weekly or monthly) at various times during
the week.
• Connection Groups, our small-group ministry, provide weekly in-depth and intimate opportunities for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.
• Frequent fellowship meals throughout the year provide a relaxed time for attendees to share and build relationships following a morning worship service.
• Sunshine ministry offers retired people a monthly gathering around food, discussion, and various activities.
• Youth ministry integrates young people into the church with regular opportunities to have dinner with the pastor, plan and help lead worship services, participate in mission projects, and begin to discover their gifts.
• Visitation ministry takes the church (through fellowship, Communion, transportation assistance, and other means) to those who can’t get to the church building regularly.
We also believe that ministry is not just the pastor’s job; all of us are called to be ministers to one another (Galatians 6:2). So as you are ministered to, we hope you will also find a place here to use your distinctive gifts for the benefit of the church body. We have other, more specific ministries that use various talents and skills for the glory of God: sewing, construction, cooking, hospitality, musical ability (both vocal and instrumental), teaching, and more. Whatever your specific gifts, we will find a place for you.

Responding to God’s love and grace, our vision is to serve Jesus through service to others.