As we begin this New Year, may we remember the Christmas announcement to Joseph. “She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Each day, no matter what you are going through, Jesus is Emmanuel which means God with us.
You are invited to worship with us on Sundays at 10:00 A.M. We are all given spiritual gifts to encourage and serve others. First Presbyterian is loving place where you can find your God-given ministry.

Responding to God's love and Grace
Our Vision is to Serve Christ,
Through Service to Others
May the peace of Christ be with you!
Every Sunday we pass the peace of Jesus Christ to one another and we extend this peace to you. First Presbyterian Church is a historical church with a tradition of service to the community and the world that dates back to 1869. As we continue that tradition, our diverse, multigenerational congregation finds joy in meeting together to worship God, grow in our faith, and encourage one another.
Serving is at the heart of our vision. This is a place where one can find healing, acceptance, and new direction in life through the power of Jesus Christ. It is our hope that every member will identify and use their spiritual gifts and grow in their generosity. God invites every one of us into life-changing ministry. We invite you to attend a worship service, fellowship event, or service opportunity where you will learn more of God’s love in Jesus Christ, grow in your understanding of ministry, and find your place of sharing your life with others. You have something special to offer people around you.

Sunday School
Bible Study
Connection Groups
Fellowship Meals
Sunshine Ministry
Youth Ministry
Visitation Minstry